The Miracles of Christ: Hindering a Miracle

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There are a lot of theological concepts which we accept on faith, but which are incredibly difficult for us to understand. The Trinity, in which God is three natures in one person. The eternal nature of God in which we believe that God has always existed, knows all things, and has complete power over this universe. These are all difficult things to understand, yet there is one concept that many of us have a difficult time wrapping our brains around. These miracles we have been studying are so miraculous and life changing, it can be hard for us to fathom. But we believe. More than that, we know they are real and true. But this next miracle is different. In many ways this interaction with Christ is very relatable. Join us for Miracles of Christ: Hindering A Miracle. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
