Everyone is searching for something. Forgiveness, hope, family, purpose, connections, help, redemption…


Jesus! God’s gift, given to every person, regardless of your history, no matter your current situation, with a promise of a blessed future.
Just COME & SEE!
2024 Theme:

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Links To Other Great Stuff
Sunday School @ 9am
Worship Service @ 10am
Located at: 508 Jefferson St. 
St. Joe IN 46721 

Who We Are

St. Joe Church of Christ is here to CONNECT people with God and each other, to provide an atmosphere where we can GROW our faith in God, and to SERVE one another in the name of Christ.


 What We Believe

1. St. Joe Church of Christ is a congregation that recognizes the Bible as God’s inspired and authoritative word (2 Timothy 3:16).
2. We believe that Jesus Christ is God’s only son and that He is literally God in the flesh; becoming a man after already existing as God in Heaven (John 1:1,14; Philippians 2:6-11; Colossians 1:17).
3. We believe that Jesus died on the cross, on purpose, so that He might be the perfect sacrifice for our sins (Romans 5:1-8).
4. We believe that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after He was crucified. His resurrection demonstrated His power over death and validated His words and ministry (1 Corinthians 15:3-7).
5. We believe that Jesus will return some day to take us to be with Him in Heaven, and that He will reign with absolute power and authority (Matthew 24:36-44, 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17).
6. We believe that a person needs to accept Jesus Christ to be saved from sin and to go to Heaven (John 3:16; 14:6).
7. We believe the way to be saved is found in the Bible. It says that a person must hear and believe that Jesus is God’s Son (Romans 10:14); they must understand that they have fallen short of God’s Glory by sinning against God (Romans 3:23); they must realize that they cannot make it to heaven on their own merits: it is by God’s grace that we are given the opportunity to be saved (Ephesians 2:8,9; Romans 6:23); they must confess their belief in Christ and be willing to place their trust in Him (Romans 10:11); they must be baptized (immersion) into Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38; Matthew 28:19; Romans 6:3-7).
8. We believe the Holy Spirit indwells true believers and acts as a Counselor, Comforter, Teacher, Developer of spiritual fruits and Giver of spiritual gifts (John 14:25,26; Galatians 5:22,23; I Corinthians 12:4-6; Ephesians 4:11-13).

9. We believe the church is God’s people (Matthew 16:18), consisting of those who are saved in Christ. The church is to give glory to God in worship (Ephesians 5:19,20); to evangelize (Matthew 28:19); and to teach the believers how to bring glory and honor to Jesus in their lifestyles (Ephesians 4:5), recognizing Him as Head of the church (Ephesians 5:23).

We know that is a lot to take in, so just
Come & See!

Church Staff & Leaders

Preaching Minister:

Donny Goff
Donny has been in ministry since 1997. He and his wife, Casy, have three children. Morgan is grown and married. Brady, who attends Central Christian College of the Bible, and Austin, who attends Vincennes University. The family enjoys games and movies, as well as trips to zoos and aquariums. Donny is an avid aquarium keeper, something his wife calls an obsession. This obsession has spilled over into ornamental ponds as well. He is also a fan of reading, and enjoys sci-fi. Donny is not shy and you will find he is an open book about all that God has done in and through his life. From mistakes to triumphs, he gives all the credit to God, and wants to help others grow in the relationship with Christ.
You can connect with Donny via Facebook and Instagram.

Associate Minister:

Dustin Cross
Dustin graduated in 2012 from Central Christian College Of The Bible but has been involved in ministry since 2006. Dustin is married to Tianna and they are excited for what the future has in store for them in St. Joe. They are the proud parents of a sweet little girl, Sadie & a furry little one named Brodie… Yes he is a dog! Dustin has a vast array of interests which include music, art, pizza, Nerf, and Legos, just to name a few. Dustin loves to have fun and loves to get people involved in that fun. He looks forward to building relationships with the people in the church and community and wants to help them realize God’s great love for them and discover what that means for their lives.


     Carlyle Holman
     Rod Laux
     Jerry Markle
     Walter Prosser


    Jason Holman
    Greg Munster
    Les Yoder
    Joe Prosser
    Mike Mills


    Joe Prosser


     Kelly Talik


     Casy Goff

Preschool Director

     Tianna Cross


 Audio Playlists

To download a sermon, click the wifi-looking icon. 
To subscribe to this podcast, click the microphone icon. 

Jun 16, 2024
The Miracles of Christ: Water Walking
Series: Past Sermons
Today we finish our series on the Miracles of Christ. We find the disciples in a predicament on sea and without Jesus. Afraid and in danger, they spot someone walking towards them... on the water! Join us as Clayton Minnick, a resent graduate of our Student Ministries, brings the message. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Jun 16, 2024The Miracles of Christ: Water Walking
    Jun 16, 2024
    The Miracles of Christ: Water Walking
    Series: Past Sermons
    Today we finish our series on the Miracles of Christ. We find the disciples in a predicament on sea and without Jesus. Afraid and in danger, they spot someone walking towards them... on the water! Join us as Clayton Minnick, a resent graduate of our Student Ministries, brings the message. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Jun 9, 2024The Miracles of Christ: Hindering a Miracle
    Jun 9, 2024
    The Miracles of Christ: Hindering a Miracle
    Series: Past Sermons
    There are a lot of theological concepts which we accept on faith, but which are incredibly difficult for us to understand. The Trinity, in which God is three natures in one person. The eternal nature of God in which we believe that God has always existed, knows all things, and has complete power over this universe. These are all difficult things to understand, yet there is one concept that many of us have a difficult time wrapping our brains around. These miracles we have been studying are so miraculous and life changing, it can be hard for us to fathom. But we believe. More than that, we know they are real and true. But this next miracle is different. In many ways this interaction with Christ is very relatable. Join us for Miracles of Christ: Hindering A Miracle. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Jun 2, 2024The Miracles of Christ: Not Just Another Fish Story
    Jun 2, 2024
    The Miracles of Christ: Not Just Another Fish Story
    Series: Past Sermons
    We have all heard fishermen tell stories about how big the fish was that they caught or how big the fish was that got away, and we wonder how close to the truth it was. In the scriptures we are going to look at today, we will see that Peter had a fish story to tell that many people would find unbelievable. Join us for Miracles of Christ: Not Just Another Fish Story. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • May 26, 2024The Miracles of Christ: Healing the Withered Hand
    May 26, 2024
    The Miracles of Christ: Healing the Withered Hand
    Series: Past Sermons
    Jesus was under a lot of scrutiny. The religious leaders of the day were constantly looking to trap Jesus. Last year we looked at a time when Jesus and His disciples were walking through a grain field. They picked some of the wheat, rubbed it in their hands, and then ate it. The religious leaders, who were out there waiting and watching, accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath laws. Right after the challenge about the wheat, we come to another encounter with Jesus. And this time they want to catch him in the act. What does Jesus do? Join us as we see His response to their accusations. Miracles of Christ: Healing the Withered Hand #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • May 19, 2024The Miracles of Christ: Touching the Leper
    May 19, 2024
    The Miracles of Christ: Touching the Leper
    Series: Past Sermons
    Why does God do miracles? He does miracles to prove the truth of the Gospel and of who Jesus is, was and will be! The Messiah, The savior of this world! But there is more! Join us for The Miracles of Christ: Touching the Leper #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • May 5, 2024The Miracles of Christ: Calming the Storm
    May 5, 2024
    The Miracles of Christ: Calming the Storm
    Series: Past Sermons
    Have you ever been afraid of something? Fear is a universal experience and fear is a God-given emotion but God does not want fear to cripple us or control us. He wants to help us control our fears and the main way we do that is through faith in Him. Today as we continue looking at some of The Miracles of Christ, we come to a scene where the disciples faced a fearful situation and how having a greater faith in Jesus could have helped them deal with their fears in a better way. Join us for The Miracles of Christ: Calming The Storm #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Apr 28, 2024The Miracles of Christ: Curse of the Fig Tree
    Apr 28, 2024
    The Miracles of Christ: Curse of the Fig Tree
    Series: Past Sermons
    As we continue today in our sermon series in the miracles of Christ, we come to an event that is often left out. This event is odd and uncomfortable. It is tucked in between some very well-known verses, so most of the time, people just focus on those areas and leave this one alone. It is a miracle, a curse really, that seems like it has no point. However, every encounter with Jesus is important and there is lesson to be learned. Join us for The Miracles of Christ: Curse of the Fig Tree. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Apr 21, 2024The Miracles of Christ: The Bleeding Woman
    Apr 21, 2024
    The Miracles of Christ: The Bleeding Woman
    Series: Past Sermons
    We are starting a new sermon series. For the next several weeks we are going to look at some of the miracles that Jesus performed. What is a miracle? People will say “It was a miracle I arrived on time.” Unless you were teleported from your house to the destination, it was not a miracle. More likely you were speeding. A real miracle is a surprising event that is not explainable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency. Today we are going to examine one of The Miracles of Christ: The Bleeding Woman. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Apr 7, 2024Easter: The Resurrection
    Apr 7, 2024
    Easter: The Resurrection
    Series: Past Sermons
    Easter is a great day. On this day, we celebrate the most important day in the life of a believer; the day of Jesus victory over death, hell, and the grave. It is this victory that gives us the profound description of Jesus Christ, as the Resurrection and the Life. Easter is the day we remember the power of Christ. Join us for Easter: The Resurrection. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome #Easter2024
  • Mar 24, 2024Easter: The Triumphal Entry
    Mar 24, 2024
    Easter: The Triumphal Entry
    Series: Past Sermons
    Our theme for the year is Momentum: preparing for what is to come (Hebrews 12:1-2). Over the last few months, we have seen how Jesus’ ministry is increasing momentum. Gaining speed towards the pinnacle of His earthly mission. For the next few weeks, we are going to look at the crowning point of His life on this earth, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Join us today for Easter: The Triumphal Entry. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome

Calendar of events


*Click this  +  (in the lower right corner of the calendar) to subscribe to our calendar and have it show up on your Google Calendar!
Click for more information:
Online Worship-      
        YouTube Channel HERE!
 Adults Bible Study- Online Bible Studies are available on our YouTube Channel. For more information click here!
Subscribe to our E-Newsletter Here!
Click the images below for more information about each event. 
Help with Supplies Donations click HERE for more information!
June 2024

 Life Groups are different from a basic Bible study. These small groups help grow true disciples through living life together with other believers. When you join a Life Group, you involve yourself in the gaining and processing of biblical knowledge in community, to grow in relationship with God and each other. In Life Groups, you will be encouraged together, rejoice together, and more. Through Life Groups, you will have opportunities to Connect with God and each other; Grow in your faith, and Serve one another in the name of Christ. 

 If you want to join a Life Group or are interested in hosting a Life Group, please let Donny know and he will help you get plugged in.


Have you experienced the loss of a someone you cared for? The journey of grief is a painful process, and you do not need to walk it alone. We would like to encourage you to come to the special support group offered here at St. Joe Church of Christ called Grief Share.

Please click on the Grief Share image for more information. 



(click to go to the ministry’s website)

International Disaster Emergency Service  (I.D.E.S.)

355 Park 32 West Drive
Noblesville, IN 46062
Phone: 317.773.4111
Email: ides@ides.org


Woodburn Christian Children’s Home

24902 Notesine Rd.
Woodburn, IN 46797
Phone: 260.632.5551

Lake James Christian

Camp & Retreat Center

1880 West 275 North
Angola, IN 46703
Phone: 260.833.9933

Christian Campus House

Trine University

400 South College St.
Angola, IN 46703
Phone: 260.665.6771

CRAM Worldwide, INC

1291 Airport Pkwy
Greenwood, IN 46143
Phone: 812.275.6476

Hearten House

PO Box 807
Auburn IN 46706
Email: heartenhouse@dciconline.org


Our God is a God of abundance and He loves to give. He sacrificed willingly on the cross and then invited us into fullness of life. As His children, we are called to imitate Him. Our generosity in giving is a demonstration of God’s character and a response to what He has done for us.

Student Ministries

Youth Group will begin again the first Wednesday of September 2023!

Jr. High Ignite

Wednesday Evenings 6:30pm-8:30pm
6th-8th grade AT THE CHURCH.

Sr. High Amplify

Wednesday Evenings 6:30pm-8:30pm
9th-12th grade AT THE CHURCH.
Do to schedule conflicts, times for youth group do change. Be sure to check the calendar for an accurate time and date of each youth group. 


click the image for more information

2024 Summer Calendar

Youth Events:



A Christ Based Ministry of

St. Joe Church of Christ

Phone: 260-337-0442
Click the name for Meet the Teacher info. 
Director/Teacher: Tianna Cross
Teacher Aids:
Erin Carter & Amber Peters
  • 3 & 4 YR. OLD CLASS (Tuesday-Thursday)
  • 4 & 5 YR. OLD CLASS (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)


Ages 4 & 5 year old’s- Offering Kindergarten Readiness. $125 per month


Ages 3 & 4 year old’s- Offering Intro To Pre-K
$100 per month
Registration for 2024-2025 School Year!
Registration for Little Joes Preschool begins March 1st for the 2024/2025 school year! Our classes fill up fast, so to ensure your child can join us this fall be sure to register as soon as possible. The registration fee is $55 but if you register before April 1st there is a $10 discount!
*Note: Both classes will begin at 8:30am for the 2024/2025 school year. 

At Little Joes we closely follow DeKalb Eastern Schools scheduling (including breaks and closings). We offer indoor and outdoor playsets for fun no matter the weather! Come and see how much fun we have at Little Joes Preschool- a ministry of St. Joe Church of Christ.
We would love to have your child attend our school!
(Handbook, Supply List, Arrival/Departure Procedure)

Dates To Remember:

Note: We follow DeKalb Eastern Community School for school closings and delays. Both classes will begin at 10a if school is delayed. Doors will open at 9:45a.

 Just Come & See!

Connect With Us

Sunday School
Sunday @ 9am

Worship Service
Sundays @ 10am


