Apr 19, 2020
The ABC’s of Dollars & Cents
Series: Past Sermons
This Sunday we begin a new sermon series and it is a tough one. No one likes to talk about it. No one likes to hear about it. No one wants to even bring up the subject. And yet, God spoke of it. Jesus preached about it. Scripture is full of it. And we are compelled to live by it. What is it? Check out the first sermon in the series The ABC’s of Dollars and Cents. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #intentional #Debt
  • Apr 19, 2020The ABC’s of Dollars & Cents
    Apr 19, 2020
    The ABC’s of Dollars & Cents
    Series: Past Sermons
    This Sunday we begin a new sermon series and it is a tough one. No one likes to talk about it. No one likes to hear about it. No one wants to even bring up the subject. And yet, God spoke of it. Jesus preached about it. Scripture is full of it. And we are compelled to live by it. What is it? Check out the first sermon in the series The ABC’s of Dollars and Cents. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #intentional #Debt
  • Apr 12, 2020Easter Through The Eyes Of Jesus
    Apr 12, 2020
    Easter Through The Eyes Of Jesus
    Series: Past Sermons

    In this series, we have witnessed Easter from the view of the thief, of Satan, and from our own personal view, now on this day of celebrating Easter, we examine what Jesus saw and how it changed the world. Join us as we witness Easter Through The Eyes Of Jesus.

    #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #intentional #Easter

  • Apr 5, 2020Easter Through The Eyes Of Me
    Apr 5, 2020
    Easter Through The Eyes Of Me
    Series: Past Sermons
    You know Easter. The ham dinner. The baskets of colored eggs. The dress clothes for church. The spring flowers. But what does it mean? And what does it mean to you? Join us as we look at Easter Through The Eyes Of Me. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #intentional #Easter
  • Mar 29, 2020Easter Through The Eyes Of Satan
    Mar 29, 2020
    Easter Through The Eyes Of Satan
    Series: Past Sermons
    Welcome, we are so glad you have joined us for the second sermon in the Easter series, Easter Through The Eyes Of… This week we will be looking at Easter from the most unexpected view point. So grab your Bibles and let’s join together in worship and growth!   #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #intentional #Easter #Satan
  • Mar 22, 2020Easter Through The Eyes Of The Thief
    Mar 22, 2020
    Easter Through The Eyes Of The Thief
    Series: Past Sermons
    Welcome to the first sermon of our Easter series, Easter Through the Eyes of… This week we will be looking at the thief. We do not know his name, but we know his crime. We do not know how his life he began, but we know how it ended. This short glimpse at this man can teach us so much, join us as we begin our Easter journey. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #intentional #Easter #thethief
  • Mar 15, 2020I Love Camp Sunday with Matt Love
    Mar 15, 2020
    I Love Camp Sunday with Matt Love
    Series: Past Sermons
    Identity. Who do you identify as? We are not talking about gender here but who you truly are and who you were created to be. check out this message from Ephesians 5 by Matt Love of Lake James Christian Camp and Retreat Center. For more information about LJCC visit their website at www.ljca.org     #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #intentional ilovecampsunday #ljcc # identity
  • Mar 8, 2020Real Life: Loss
    Mar 8, 2020
    Real Life: Loss
    Series: Past Sermons
    Loss is inevitable. You will experience some sort of loss in your life. It maybe through a death or a separation from a family member. You may lose your fortune or your health. “But take heart because I have over come the world.” This is a promise from Jesus Christ. We can learn to grieve in a healthy way, in a biblical way, by His example. Check out this message on Real Life: Loss. For the video referenced in the sermon, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tdoWK34lpc   #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #intentional #reallife #loss
  • Mar 1, 2020Real Life: Rest
    Mar 1, 2020
    Real Life: Rest
    Series: Past Sermons
    Take a look at your calendar. Work, practice, recitals, doctor appointments, date nights, meetings, competitions, holidays, birthdays, games, conferences, and so on. Are you tired? Weary? Burdened? Maybe we have our week set up wrong. Did you know that in the Beginning, God set a day in a specific way for a specific reason? He also set an example for us that He, himself, did not need! A day of REST! Check out this message of Real Life: Rest. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #intentional #reallife #rest
  • Feb 23, 2020Real Life: Resolving Conflict
    Feb 23, 2020
    Real Life: Resolving Conflict
    Series: Past Sermons
    We have a problem. All too often we conflict with people and when we do, we have a choice. Do you hold tightly to the issue, carrying it around and feeling the weight of it pull on you? Or do you choose to be free of that weight, to move forward in forgiveness? Check out this message on Real Life: Resolving Conflict and how you can find that freedom. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #intentional #reallife #resolvingconflict
  • Feb 16, 2020Real Life: Sexual Purity
    Feb 16, 2020
    Real Life: Sexual Purity
    Series: Past Sermons
    Sex. Can we even talk about such a topic in the church? Did you know that 90% of kids, ages 8 to 16, (9 out of 10 kids) are already viewing some form of pornography? 1 out of 2 (50%) of "Christian" men are not just viewing porn but are addicted to it. And the statistics for women are not much different. 30% and rising! This is out of control! So not only should the church be addressing this topic but it is vital we that we do. God's word warns us of such dangers and tells us how to battle this destructiveness. Check out this message of Real Life: Sexual Purity. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #intentional #reallife #sexualpurity