Mar 12, 2023
The Call of Christmas: The Shepherds
Series: Past Sermons
We all have our routines. The basic way we go about living our lives on a daily basis. The ordinary day does give us comfort and reliability. Sometimes we want more, we want something different. We want something extraordinary. As we continue our Call to Christmas sermon series, we come to look at the shepherds. Every year at Christmas, people talk about the smelly shepherds. The people God specifically invited to see the Messiah. The people that no one would have ever asked. Let’s look at these shepherds and the Call Of Christmas.   #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • Mar 12, 2023The Call of Christmas: The Shepherds
    Mar 12, 2023
    The Call of Christmas: The Shepherds
    Series: Past Sermons
    We all have our routines. The basic way we go about living our lives on a daily basis. The ordinary day does give us comfort and reliability. Sometimes we want more, we want something different. We want something extraordinary. As we continue our Call to Christmas sermon series, we come to look at the shepherds. Every year at Christmas, people talk about the smelly shepherds. The people God specifically invited to see the Messiah. The people that no one would have ever asked. Let’s look at these shepherds and the Call Of Christmas.   #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • Mar 5, 2023The Call of Christmas: The Parents
    Mar 5, 2023
    The Call of Christmas: The Parents
    Series: Past Sermons
    This year our theme is Foundation. We are looking at how we can have an unwavering faith. Our theme verses are 1 Peter 2:4-8. Because we want to make sure our faith is fully on Christ, we are going through the gospels. To pick through the various verses, events and truths that will help us all grow more and more in our faith. And that brings us to Christmas. But we cannot skip over this section just because we had Christmas 2 months ago. So join us as we hear the Call to Christmas: The Parents.  #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith   Video premieres on YouTube at 10am.
  • Feb 26, 2023Euangelion: The Great I Am – The Gospel of John
    Feb 26, 2023
    Euangelion: The Great I Am – The Gospel of John
    Series: Past Sermons
    The first four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. Euangelion. What does Euangelion mean? Good News. The first Gospel account is of Matthew. Matthew shows Jesus to be from the tribe of Judah. Matthew shows Jesus as a King, like a Lion. Mark focuses on the suffering aspect of Jesus. How Jesus came to serve, like an Ox. Last week we looked at Luke. Luke shows the humanity of Jesus, that God came down and became one of us. Jesus was fully man. And now we come to the last of the gospel accounts. John.  We have looked at Jesus the King. Jesus the Servant, and Jesus fully man. What could John show us?
    #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • Feb 19, 2023Euangelion: The Son of Man- The Gospel of Luke
    Feb 19, 2023
    Euangelion: The Son of Man- The Gospel of Luke
    Series: Past Sermons

    In our overview of the Gospels, of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we have seen that the focus of each of these accounts of  Jesus’ life have a slightly different focus. And in God’s infinite wisdom, God has brought these together to help us get a better understanding of who Jesus is. While at the same time showing continuity of the Old and New Testaments. The Four Gospels are four pictures of Christ: the lion, the ox, the man, and the eagle from the cherubim of Ezekiel. The lion is the symbol of Christ the King, Matthew. The ox is the symbol of Christ the servant, Mark. And today we look at Luke. In this euangelion, good news about Jesus, the author Luke focuses on Jesus as the Son of Man. Join us!

    #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith

  • Feb 15, 2023Euangelion: The Suffering Servant- The Gospel of Mark
    Feb 15, 2023
    Euangelion: The Suffering Servant- The Gospel of Mark
    Series: Past Sermons
    Today we are going to look at the book of Mark, the Gospel of Mark. Marks gospel is the earliest written of the four gospels, written in the early 60s AD. Mark was probably written for Christians in Rome where he wrote the Gospel. Mark wants them to know that in an environment where people worship many gods, Jesus is the one true Son of God who can truly help them. How Mark shares the good news is different than the other three gospels. Join us for Euangelion: The Suffering Servant, The Gospel of Mark. #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • Feb 15, 2023Euangelion: King of Kings – The Gospel of Matthew
    Feb 15, 2023
    Euangelion: King of Kings – The Gospel of Matthew
    Series: Past Sermons
    This year we are looking at building on the true foundation. Building our lives and our faith on Jesus, so we can have an unwavering faith. Our theme scripture for the year is 1 Peter 2:4-8. There is a lot in these verses. All year long we are going to keep looking at Jesus. The foundation of all we are, and work to build our lives on Him. Today we start the journey into the gospels. First off, what is a gospel? Join us for Euangelion.
    #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • Jan 29, 2023Before The Gospels: Jesus In The Prophets
    Jan 29, 2023
    Before The Gospels: Jesus In The Prophets
    Series: Past Sermons

    We’ve been looking in the Old Testament and have found that right from the beginning, Jesus was there. Jesus was at creation. He is the one who not only created everything but holds all creation together. Last week we looked at the law, the first five books of the bible. In those regulations of life that God gave us, we once again see Jesus. The perfection God deserves cannot be achieved on our own. We cannot be good enough to come to God. Which is why, God designed a way. That plan is Jesus. Since we cannot overcome evil, the need for Jesus in our lives was shown in the law. Before the Gospels, prophets foretold of Jesus. Join us as we see Jesus in the Prophets.

    #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith

  • Jan 22, 2023Before the Gospels: Jesus In The Law
    Jan 22, 2023
    Before the Gospels: Jesus In The Law
    Series: Past Sermons
    This year we are looking intently at the entire life of Jesus. But before we can dive into the Gospels, into Matthew Mark Luke and John, we need to look back into the Old Testament. Last week we looked at Jesus’ role in creation. Today we are going to see how Jesus is in the beginning of the bible. Not just in creation, but in the first few books of the bible. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Join us as we meet Jesus Before the Gospels in The Law. #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • Jan 18, 2023Before The Gospels: Jesus In Creation
    Jan 18, 2023
    Before The Gospels: Jesus In Creation
    Series: Past Sermons
    We are going to spend this year looking at the life of Jesus and there are lots of theories about Jesus. From a mythical, made-up person, a good teacher, an embellished person, a rebel against the jews, all the way to the Son of God. So, who is He? Was Jesus a real person? Were the facts about Jesus embellished, making Him more than He was? Did Jesus believe He was God? As we begin our journey of Foundation: An Unwavering Faith we are going to follow the life of Jesus, however Jesus’ life did not begin in the Gospels. Join us for Before the Gospels: Jesus in Creation. #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • Jan 18, 2023New Year’s Day
    Jan 18, 2023
    New Year’s Day
    Series: Past Sermons
    How should we enter this new year? What should we do to make the most of this year? Typically, on the New Year’s Sunday sermon you hear a message about a new year and new you. Or something about new year’s resolutions. Instead, this year I wanted to look at what each of us individually and as a church should do to be prepared for this next year. We are going to unpack a few verses in Romans 13. #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith