Mar 17, 2024
Good Cents
Series: Past Sermons
Today we are going to look at a topic that everyone loves to hear a sermon about, MONEY. Don’t you all just love hearing a message about money. Money sermons just help people feel good, don’t they. Most people would rather hear a sermon on politics than they would on money. So why would we share a sermon on money, knowing the vast majority of you do not want to hear it? The answer is simple. Jesus spoke about money. He spoke about finances more than He did on hell and if Jesus taught about how a believer is supposed to handle their finances, then we will too. Join us for some Good Cents. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Mar 17, 2024Good Cents
    Mar 17, 2024
    Good Cents
    Series: Past Sermons
    Today we are going to look at a topic that everyone loves to hear a sermon about, MONEY. Don’t you all just love hearing a message about money. Money sermons just help people feel good, don’t they. Most people would rather hear a sermon on politics than they would on money. So why would we share a sermon on money, knowing the vast majority of you do not want to hear it? The answer is simple. Jesus spoke about money. He spoke about finances more than He did on hell and if Jesus taught about how a believer is supposed to handle their finances, then we will too. Join us for some Good Cents. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Mar 10, 2024I Am: The Vine
    Mar 10, 2024
    I Am: The Vine
    Series: Past Sermons
    Today is our last of the I Am series. We have studied how Jesus is The Bread of Life, The Light of the World, The Door, The Good Shepherd, The Resurrection and Life, The Way, the Truth and the Life and today we will see He is The Vine. But this I Am statement is different. Join us to find out how. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Mar 6, 2024David Grimm & I Am
    Mar 6, 2024
    David Grimm & I Am
    Series: Past Sermons
    This Sunday we had the opportunity to hear from David Grimm, a member of St. Joe Church of Christ. David shared about Jesus, the “I Am” in my Father and “I Am” in you. Join us for this powerful message. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Mar 6, 2024I Am: The Way The Truth & The Life
    Mar 6, 2024
    I Am: The Way The Truth & The Life
    Series: Past Sermons
    We have working our way through the Gospel of John to study the words of Jesus, as He walked around Israel speaking to the crowds, performing miracles, and teaching in parables. People were following Him around everywhere, everyone wanted to know who He is. Who is this man who makes blind people see, and who makes paralyzed people able to walk again? Why is He here, what does He want, what is He going to do? Everyone wanted to know! Jesus even asked His disciples, "Who do people say that I am?” They said, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Everyone was guessing, trying to figure out just who this man is. Today people have opinions about who Jesus is too. Join us for I Am: The Way, The Truth and The Life. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Mar 6, 2024I Am: The Resurrection & The Life
    Mar 6, 2024
    I Am: The Resurrection & The Life
    Series: Past Sermons
    We’ve been spending that last several Sundays studying the 7 notable I Am statements of Jesus. As people who live in a world and culture where Jesus and the church are well known, we sometimes can be guilty of taking Jesus for granted. However, for the people Jesus was preaching too, they hadn’t heard the gospel yet, and they didn’t yet know who Jesus was.
    The first I am statement by Jesus was I Am the Bread of Life. This was followed by I Am the Light of the World, then I am the Gate for the sheep. Travis Wilhelm from Trine CCH shared a great message about Jesus’ fourth statement, I am the Good Shepherd.
    As we progress through these statements, we are getting closer and closer in the Gospel of John to the crucifixion of Jesus. This statement we are looking at this week took place during the resurrecting of Lazarus. Join us as we hear I Am: The Resurrection and The Life. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Mar 6, 2024I Am: The Door
    Mar 6, 2024
    I Am: The Door
    Series: Past Sermons
    We are on week 3 of the I Am series, studying the 7 I Am statements about Jesus that reveal things about who He is, and what He does. These next two statements take place in the same story, and they both revolve around this metaphor of the sheep and the shepherd. Jesus says that sheep recognize the voice of their shepherd. Join us as we hear the Shepherd in I Am: The Door. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Mar 6, 2024I Am: The Light
    Mar 6, 2024
    I Am: The Light
    Series: Past Sermons
    Last week we began a new sermon series called “I Am”. During the course of His ministry, Jesus made 7 statements beginning with the phrase “I Am” that both identify Himself as God incarnate, and directly reveal something about His character and mission. Through studying these “I Am” statements, we will learn more about the character and nature of Jesus, and maybe even experience the gospel in a new way. Join us for I Am: The Light. #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Jan 21, 2024I Am: The Bread of Life
    Jan 21, 2024
    I Am: The Bread of Life
    Series: Past Sermons
    Good morning! Today we begin a new series. Throughout the course of His ministry, Jesus made seven “I AM” statements in the gospel of John that relate to His character, His divinity, and His mission. We are going to spend the next few weeks studying these statements and learning more about the nature of Jesus. Join us as we begin with I Am: The Bread of Life #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Jan 17, 2024Momentum
    Jan 17, 2024
    Series: Past Sermons
    What would happen this morning if we treated sin like a disease - a disease that drains our energy and sucks the life out of us? What if we no longer were entangled in the baggage that weighs us down and is killing us spiritually? Imagine how much more we could accomplish for the kingdom of God! Imagine how much less stress and anxiety we would feel. Imagine a life of true freedom, real power and unstoppable momentum that empowers us to expand God’s Kingdom. Join us as we catch the Momentum in 2024! #stjoecoc #ComeAndSee #Momentum2024 #PreparingForWhatIsToCome
  • Jan 4, 2024Christmas at the Cross: Peace
    Jan 4, 2024
    Christmas at the Cross: Peace
    Series: Past Sermons
    So far in our Christmas series, we have looked at how Christmas and the Cross is where we were given Hope and Joy. These gifts of God were given at the mangers, but not truly evident until the cross and empty tomb. This morning we are going to look at the scripture of Luke 2:13-14 to find what all people long for… Peace. Join us for Christmas at the Cross. #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith