Sep 23, 2018
A Study of Romans: The Wrap Up!
Series: Past Sermons
A Study of Romans: The Wrap Up! Which parts of our study have impacted you the most?

Romans 1 – The Gospel According to Paul. 
Romans 2 – We Will Be Judged Because Of Our Sins.
Romans 2 – We Can’t Let Our Conscience Be Our Guide 
Romans 4 – Righteousness Is Not Earned. 
Romans 5 – Justified Means To Be Declared NOT GUILTY. 
Romans 6 – We Died To Sin. 
Romans 6 – We Are Slave To Either God Or To Sin. 
Romans 7 – Why Do We Sin? 
Romans 8 – A Christian’s Life Will Be Visibly Different. 
Romans 8 – Suffering Can Help Our Faith. 
Romans 8 – We Know That God Works For Our Good. 
Romans 9 – If God Is For Us, Who Could Ever Be Against Us! 
Romans 10 – Christians Have A Distinct Desire In Their Heart. 
Romans 10 – We Will Boldly And Confidently Confess Jesus Christ. 
Romans 11 – We Know God Alone Offers Salvation. 
Romans 12 – We Need To Live By Grace And Mercy.
Romans 12 – We Need To Live By Love.
Romans 13 – We Need To Live God’s Word.
Romans 13 – We Need To Live Differently.
Romans 14 - We Need To Accept All Believers.
Romans 14 – We Need To Prevent Stumbling.
Romans 15 – We Need To Work Towards Unity.
Romans 15 – We Need To Minister To Each Other.
Romans 15 – We Need To Ask For Help From Christians.
Romans 16 – We Need To Live As The Church.
Romans 16 – We Need To Be Intentional With Our Lives.
#comeandsee #stjoecofc
  • Sep 23, 2018A Study of Romans: The Wrap Up!
    Sep 23, 2018
    A Study of Romans: The Wrap Up!
    Series: Past Sermons
    A Study of Romans: The Wrap Up! Which parts of our study have impacted you the most?
    Romans 1 – The Gospel According to Paul. 
    Romans 2 – We Will Be Judged Because Of Our Sins.
    Romans 2 – We Can’t Let Our Conscience Be Our Guide 
    Romans 4 – Righteousness Is Not Earned. 
    Romans 5 – Justified Means To Be Declared NOT GUILTY. 
    Romans 6 – We Died To Sin. 
    Romans 6 – We Are Slave To Either God Or To Sin. 
    Romans 7 – Why Do We Sin? 
    Romans 8 – A Christian’s Life Will Be Visibly Different. 
    Romans 8 – Suffering Can Help Our Faith. 
    Romans 8 – We Know That God Works For Our Good. 
    Romans 9 – If God Is For Us, Who Could Ever Be Against Us! 
    Romans 10 – Christians Have A Distinct Desire In Their Heart. 
    Romans 10 – We Will Boldly And Confidently Confess Jesus Christ. 
    Romans 11 – We Know God Alone Offers Salvation. 
    Romans 12 – We Need To Live By Grace And Mercy.
    Romans 12 – We Need To Live By Love.
    Romans 13 – We Need To Live God’s Word.
    Romans 13 – We Need To Live Differently.
    Romans 14 - We Need To Accept All Believers.
    Romans 14 – We Need To Prevent Stumbling.
    Romans 15 – We Need To Work Towards Unity.
    Romans 15 – We Need To Minister To Each Other.
    Romans 15 – We Need To Ask For Help From Christians.
    Romans 16 – We Need To Live As The Church.
    Romans 16 – We Need To Be Intentional With Our Lives.
    #comeandsee #stjoecofc
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    What Do We Do? Be Intentional
    Series: Past Sermons
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    What Do We Do? Prevent Stumbling
    Series: Past Sermons
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    What Do We Do? Accept Each Other
    Series: Past Sermons
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    What Do We Do? Live Right
    Series: Past Sermons
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    #stjoecofc #comeandsee
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    Live By… The Law
    Series: Past Sermons
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    Live by… Love
    Series: Past Sermons
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