Jun 25, 2023
Jesus and The Nameless Father
Series: Past Sermons
On Mother’s Day we looked at the nameless mother found in Matthew 15:21-28. Through her actions and faith in Jesus we saw some great lessons. Today is Father’s Day. Many people have said that on Mother’s Day we hear messages about how to honor and love a mother. On Father’s Day we hear messages about how a father needs to stand up and be better. Looking back over my sermons, that is the general theme. Instead of following that basic routine, I want to look at the nameless father found in Mark 9 and see some lessons this father did right, and that all of us can do as well.
  • Jun 25, 2023Jesus and The Nameless Father
    Jun 25, 2023
    Jesus and The Nameless Father
    Series: Past Sermons
    On Mother’s Day we looked at the nameless mother found in Matthew 15:21-28. Through her actions and faith in Jesus we saw some great lessons. Today is Father’s Day. Many people have said that on Mother’s Day we hear messages about how to honor and love a mother. On Father’s Day we hear messages about how a father needs to stand up and be better. Looking back over my sermons, that is the general theme. Instead of following that basic routine, I want to look at the nameless father found in Mark 9 and see some lessons this father did right, and that all of us can do as well.
  • Jun 11, 2023Calling of the Disciples: Nathanael
    Jun 11, 2023
    Calling of the Disciples: Nathanael
    Series: Past Sermons
    Have you ever noticed that some of the greatest things come from the strangest of places? Maybe you have heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls. They are a large collection of manuscripts … many of them being copies of Old Testament books … which date back to the first century. Where were they found? Well, in the mid 1930’s a shepherd boy was looking for lost sheep in a valley near the Dead Sea. The valley wall had many caves, and the boy was throwing rocks into the caves to scare out any hiding sheep. When he threw a stone into a certain cave, he heard a pot smash. On investigation he found hundreds of sealed pots with manuscripts well preserved inside. They became known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. It was a great thing that came from a strange place. As we continue looking at the disciples, and seeing what we can learn from their lives; we come to Nathanael. Nathanael is not a well-known disciple. Join us as we find this disciple in a strange place, yet exactly where Jesus knew he would be.
    #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • Jun 4, 2023Calling of the Disciples: Andrew
    Jun 4, 2023
    Calling of the Disciples: Andrew
    Series: Past Sermons
    Today we are starting a new series Calling Of The Disciples. Over the next several weeks, we are going to look at these men, how Jesus called them to be disciples, and what we can learn for our own lives through their examples. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of the basics. That is what we are going to see today. We are going to be reminded of the spiritual matters which need to regain our priorities, and the disciple who is going to show us that is Andrew. Join us as we meet Andrew, a disciple of Jesus Christ. #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • May 21, 2023Jesus and The Nameless Mother
    May 21, 2023
    Jesus and The Nameless Mother
    Series: Past Sermons
    Happy Mother’s Day. I am so grateful for all the mothers that have impacted my life. There are many lessons that we learn from mothers. We learn a great deal from mothers. Here are a few examples from scripture. Biblical Examples of Godly mothers. Eve - literally means the mother of all. Sarah - The elderly mother who laughed at the notion of having children. She gave birth to Isaac. Hannah - Mother who prayed for God to give her a child. She gave birth to Samuel. Mary - The mother of Jesus. Today as we continue our theme of foundation, having an unwavering faith, we are going to look at the nameless mother. Her encounter with Jesus is found in Matthew 15:21-28. #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • May 14, 2023The Temptation
    May 14, 2023
    The Temptation
    Series: Past Sermons
    This year we are focusing on the life of Jesus. Looking at everything we can so we can build our faith in Him. We started with the Old Testament. Seeing how Jesus was not just prophesized about but was also present. Then we moved into the New Testament. Primarily we will spend the rest of the year in the Gospels. Last time I spoke, we looked at the baptism of Jesus. The event of Jesus’ baptism is recorded in all four gospels showing us its importance. He was baptized to identify Himself with mankind. And to give us the example that we must follow to fulfill all righteousness. Right after Jesus was baptized, He goes into the wilderness to be Tempted. Join us for The Temptation.
    #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • Apr 23, 2023Easter Sunday
    Apr 23, 2023
    Easter Sunday
    Series: Past Sermons
    Early on the first Easter Sunday, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and then later to the women who were returning to the tomb. And soon after that He showed Himself to ten of His disciples in the Upper Room, and then to Peter all by Himself. But the fifth appearance was perhaps the most astonishing of all. And it's the one I want to tell you about today. On that first Easter afternoon, as the sky darkened toward dusk, Jesus appeared to two men who were traveling from Jerusalem to Emmaus, and this is were we are today. Join us for Easter Sunday.
    #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • Apr 23, 2023The ‘Gemstone’ of Baptism
    Apr 23, 2023
    The ‘Gemstone’ of Baptism
    Series: Past Sermons
    We are continuing our yearly theme of Foundation. The idea is that we will build our faith on the only true foundation, Jesus. And then we will have an unwavering faith. The theme verse for the year is 1 Peter 2:4-8. So far this year we have looked through the Old Testament and saw that Jesus was talked about, prophesized about. We looked at how Jesus came into the history of mankind at the Christmas event. We have just gone through Easter and have in a way jumped towards the end of the earthly ministry of Jesus, and now backing back up to the early part of Jesus’ ministry. Join us as we explore all four gospels and find The ‘Gemstone’ of Baptism. #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • Apr 19, 2023Easter: What if?
    Apr 19, 2023
    Easter: What if?
    Series: Past Sermons
    What if…. Have you ever played the what if game? What if you won a million dollars? What if you lost your job? What if you got the promotion? What if they left you? What if..? There are lots of what if we can think of. Some are small and insignificant, while others are life changing. 1 Corinthians 15. In this chapter, Paul plays the what if… he talks about what would be true if there was not a resurrection of Christ from the dead. What if He remained in the grave? Join us as we find out. #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • Apr 2, 2023Simeon’s Peace
    Apr 2, 2023
    Simeon’s Peace
    Series: Past Sermons
    “Now I can die in peace”? People say this after they meet a sports hero, so some celebrity. Some might say this once they fulfilled something on t heir bucket list. But what would truly make you proclaim, “Now I can die in peace”? Peace is one of those topics that people want, but don’t seem to know how to get, and definitely don’t know how to keep. Join us as we hear about Simeon’s Peace and how we can have it too.
    #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith
  • Mar 26, 2023The Call of Christmas: The Bad Guy
    Mar 26, 2023
    The Call of Christmas: The Bad Guy
    Series: Past Sermons
    This year we are going through the gospels, to closely examine the life of Jesus. In this sermon series we have looked through the various individuals that were at the birth of Christ, the Christmas event. We started with the parents, with Mary and Joseph. How they were confused and perplexed about this event. And yet God called them and gave them the assurance and encouragement needed. We looked at the shepherds, how God called them. And we to need to be seeking after our Savior daily. Last week we looked at the wise men, the magi. And looked at the true meaning of worship. Today we look at one more character of the Christmas event. King Herod. Every story has its bad ‘guy’ it seems. Join us as we hear the Call To Christmas: The Bad Guy #stjoecoc #comeandsee #Foundation2023 #anunwaveringfaith  