May 29, 2022
King of Regrets
Series: Past Sermons
We are engaged in a study of the life of David, king of Israel. He is such a significant biblical person that 62 chapters of the Old Testament are devoted to his biography. And not only that, there are more than 50 references to him in the New Testament, by far more than any other biblical character, except Jesus. This great man after God’s own heart committed a series of terrible sins that led to terrible consequences. He is a man with regrets. He is a king with regrets. Let's find out how he is still a man after God's own heart and how we too can Purse that. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Pursue2022
  • May 29, 2022King of Regrets
    May 29, 2022
    King of Regrets
    Series: Past Sermons
    We are engaged in a study of the life of David, king of Israel. He is such a significant biblical person that 62 chapters of the Old Testament are devoted to his biography. And not only that, there are more than 50 references to him in the New Testament, by far more than any other biblical character, except Jesus. This great man after God’s own heart committed a series of terrible sins that led to terrible consequences. He is a man with regrets. He is a king with regrets. Let's find out how he is still a man after God's own heart and how we too can Purse that. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Pursue2022
  • May 22, 2022The King of Lust
    May 22, 2022
    The King of Lust
    Series: Past Sermons
    You know, no matter what I do, I cannot get through the day without God’s help. The worst times come when I am feeling confident. When I think I have it all together, that is when I stumble and falter in my faith. Temptation and sin are an ever present, on-going struggle for all of us. Nobody is exempt from sin, from its powerful draw and terrible effects. Some people have certain tendencies towards various sins. Lying, gossiping, drunkenness, anger, greed, pride, etc. Of all the temptations and sins, none perhaps are as strong and devastating as sexual lust and sexual sin. The Bible clearly warns us about these temptations with explicit commands and personal examples. Today we return to our yearly focus, our theme for the year is Pursue: A quest for a Godly heart. Here we examine one of the most well-known David events. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Pursue2022
  • May 14, 2022Mother’s Day 2022
    May 14, 2022
    Mother’s Day 2022
    Series: Past Sermons
    Happy Mother's Day!
  • May 7, 2022King of Grace
    May 7, 2022
    King of Grace
    Series: Past Sermons
    What do you think of when I say the word grace? Some will think of prayer. Others might think about the way a ballet dancer moves across the stage, or the way in which a queen carries herself. But neither are what grace really is. Scripture defines what grace is and who gives an/or receives grace. Join us as we take another step on our Quest for a Godly Heart. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Pursue2022
  • May 1, 2022Saying No To The King
    May 1, 2022
    Saying No To The King
    Series: Past Sermons
    None of us like to hear the answer “NO.” That’s true of children, teenagers and adults. I remember I hated to hear that answer when I was a child. There are not many pictures sadder to me than that of a parent who doesn’t say “no” to their child. A child who is obviously in control of his or her parent. We have all seen them. The kid who gets everything they want when they want it. The parent gives in to the constant demands. How does that kid behave? What kind of adult do you think they grow up to be? But what about God? Does God ever tell us no? Doesn’t God want to give us what we want? Doesn’t God desire that we are happy? Join us as be come to a time in David’s life where God tells him no. How do you think this King responds? #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Pursue2022
  • Apr 26, 2022The True King
    Apr 26, 2022
    The True King
    Series: Past Sermons
    There have been various people through the years who have held the title of King. From the royalty of actual kings to popular people of the era. Each one had his own way of doing things. Which is what earned him the title of king. All these individuals, with the title king have failed. They have not lived up to the title of King. Some inherited the title, some were given the title, some gave themselves the title, and yet all of them failed. Join us as we meet a king who did not and will not fail. The True King. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Pursue2022
  • Apr 26, 2022Worship the King
    Apr 26, 2022
    Worship the King
    Series: Past Sermons
    We are in the middle of a sermon series titled the King. So far this year we have looked at the life of David, and now he has finally become the King of Israel. It has taken him 15 years to get to this point. As we continue our Easter Series, we come to one of my favorite events of David’s life. But we need some background first. Let’s get started! #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Pursue2022
  • Apr 26, 2022The New King
    Apr 26, 2022
    The New King
    Series: Past Sermons
    How would you describe a king? Royal. Elite. A king is a man who is the most important member of the royal family of his country, and who is considered to be the Head of State of that country. What does a king have? Castle or palace. Wealth. Prestige. What does a king do? Run the country. Head of state. Generally speaking, American’s do not like the idea of a monarchy. It goes against the principles of the founding fathers. And yet, a monarchy is exactly what scripture talks about so much. In our study today we come to the continental divide of this series on the life of David. David’s life was sprinkled with a mixture of accomplishments and disappointments. Join us today as we begin the new chapter in David’s life as The King. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Pursue2022
  • Apr 3, 2022Saul’s Sad Ending
    Apr 3, 2022
    Saul’s Sad Ending
    Series: Past Sermons
    If you bring up the subject of death and you will get many different reactions from people. Some can easily and readily talk about it, and others cannot. As we turn to our text for today from 1 Samuel 31, we come to the very sad and tragic ending of the life of King Saul. Some might approach this chapter with a sense of relief. We know Saul’s demise and death are coming; they were prophesied by Samuel long ago in chapters 13, and 15. Join us as we say goodbye to King Saul. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Pursue2022
  • Mar 20, 2022Pursue: Wilderness of Sin
    Mar 20, 2022
    Pursue: Wilderness of Sin
    Series: Past Sermons
    Today we will be in 1 Samuel 27, 29 and 30. In these chapters we will notice that there is a very key person missing in the life of David, and that person is God. Isn’t that strange, here is David, the man after God’s own heart, and God is missing from this entire episode. How can that be? Join us as we see how David struggles to do life his own way instead of God’s. Do we ever choose that path? How do turn back? #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Pursue2022 #QuestforaGodlyHeart