Oct 14, 2021
Visiting the Cities of Acts: The City of _______________
Series: Past Sermons
As we continue through our study in Acts we are visiting the various cities that Paul goes to on his second missionary journey. Today we come to the town of Athens. Athens became known for its military power. Even though it had been conquered by the Romans in 146 BC, during Paul’s day Athens continued to be a free city that was still known as the intellectual capital of the Greco-Roman world and the religious capital of Greece. What are we going to find when we travel to Athens with Paul... Let find out in Acts 17. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #VisitingtheCitiesofActs
  • Oct 14, 2021Visiting the Cities of Acts: The City of _______________
    Oct 14, 2021
    Visiting the Cities of Acts: The City of _______________
    Series: Past Sermons
    As we continue through our study in Acts we are visiting the various cities that Paul goes to on his second missionary journey. Today we come to the town of Athens. Athens became known for its military power. Even though it had been conquered by the Romans in 146 BC, during Paul’s day Athens continued to be a free city that was still known as the intellectual capital of the Greco-Roman world and the religious capital of Greece. What are we going to find when we travel to Athens with Paul... Let find out in Acts 17. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #VisitingtheCitiesofActs
  • Oct 14, 2021Visiting the Cities of Acts: SimpliCity
    Oct 14, 2021
    Visiting the Cities of Acts: SimpliCity
    Series: Past Sermons
    As we continue our study through the book of Acts, Paul has started his second missionary journey. Last week we stopped at Thessalonica and there we seen that the Jews had taken residence in the City of Jealousy. Today we move a few verses more in Acts 17 to the town of Berea and visit the city of SimpliCity. Join us as we travel the book of Acts. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #VisitingtheCitiesofActs
  • Sep 26, 2021Visiting the Cities of Acts: The City of Jealousy
    Sep 26, 2021
    Visiting the Cities of Acts: The City of Jealousy
    Series: Past Sermons
    All year we have been going through the book of Acts. Our theme for the year is Destination. When going on a trip you want to visit different destinations to see the sights. Many people pick certain cities to travel to. There are lots of cities to travel to. Here in America and across the globe. In chapter 17 of Acts we see Paul and his companions going on their second missionary journey. They are going to go through several cities. As we look at these cities they traveled through, we will see how we also travel to these various cities. Join us as we visit the cities of Acts. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #VisitingtheCitiesofActs
  • Sep 19, 2021Another Detour: Acts 16
    Sep 19, 2021
    Another Detour: Acts 16
    Series: Past Sermons
    As we continue our study through Acts, with the yearly theme of Destination, we are going to see Paul come to a detour. Will he choose his way or take the detour God asks him to take? And what happens when God changes Paul's plans? Let's find out in Acts 16. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #AnotherDetour
  • Sep 12, 2021Baggage: Acts 15
    Sep 12, 2021
    Baggage: Acts 15
    Series: Past Sermons
    This year we are going through the book of Acts. Our theme is Destination. The book of Acts, written by Luke who is a Gentile Physician, tells us about the first thirty years of the development of Christianity. About 20 years in, 20 years after the resurrection of Christ, a problem develops. We read about the problem and the solution the early church came up with in Acts 15. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #baggage
  • Aug 29, 2021The Journey Begins – part 2
    Aug 29, 2021
    The Journey Begins – part 2
    Series: Past Sermons
    Last time we looked at most of chapter 13. The first official missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas sent out to preach and reach people for Christ. In 13, we saw that Paul and Barnabas took the message, the gospel, the good news about Jesus to both Jews and Gentiles. What we didn’t get to is the end of that chapter. What happened when Paul and Barnabas preached the truth about Jesus? Opposition. Anger. Hate. Joy. Hope. Filling with the Holy Spirit. Join us as we continue our journey with Paul & Barnabas in Acts 14. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #TheJourneyBegins
  • Aug 15, 2021The Journey Begins- part 1
    Aug 15, 2021
    The Journey Begins- part 1
    Series: Past Sermons
    This year our theme is Destination. All year long we have been going through a study of the book of Acts. We started chapter 13 last week with Barnabas and Paul being sent out to proclaim the gospel and I believe that we are going to see some of the things that we can all expect in our personal meaningful adventure for God. Join us as The Journey Begins. #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #TheJourneyBegins
  • Aug 8, 2021Hello My Name Is Paul: I Have Been Commissioned
    Aug 8, 2021
    Hello My Name Is Paul: I Have Been Commissioned
    Series: Past Sermons
    For that past few Sundays, we have looked at Saul. In the beginning, Saul was waging war against the newly formed church. Saul went out of his way to make sure the Christians suffered. On his way to Damascus Saul’s life came to a halt. Saul met Jesus on that road, and it changed Saul. Saul went from chasing the church, to being part of it. Last week we saw how Saul was called by God to minister to others. With that calling Saul started teaching and preaching all over about the fullness of what God had said in the Old Testament. Saul went from being changed, to being called. Now let’s pick up his story in Acts 13:1-3 NLT
  • Aug 1, 2021Hello My Name Is Saul: I Have Been Called
    Aug 1, 2021
    Hello My Name Is Saul: I Have Been Called
    Series: Past Sermons
    Today, we are going to be in Acts 9:20-31.  We are going to see Saul in a different light then we did last week.  Earlier in Chapter Nine, we see Saul as this great antagonist who is persecuting the Christians.  Now, in today’s passage, Saul is a changed man and receives his calling to the work that Jesus has set him apart for. We are so glad you have joined us! #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #HelloMyNameIs
  • Jul 25, 2021Hello My Name Is Saul: I Have Been Changed
    Jul 25, 2021
    Hello My Name Is Saul: I Have Been Changed
    Series: Past Sermons
    Today, we are starting a brand-new sermon series, where we are going to learn about who Saul is and how his life changed from the persecutor Pharisee to God’s chosen instrument to bring the Word to the Gentiles. Over the next few weeks, we are going to look into the transformation from Saul to Paul. Join us for Acts 9.
    #stjoecofc #ComeAndSee #Destination2021 #HelloMyNameIs